Publication Ethics

Ethical principles of publishing an article in the Progress Study: Systems and Strategies:

The ethical principles of this journal follow the research ethics charter of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, as well as the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), which includes all those involved in the publication of the journal (quarterly editors, referees and respected authors).

For full access to these guidelines, definitions and rules, you can visit "".

For full access to COPE publication ethics committee flowcharts, you can visit:

The flowchart is part of the instructions of the "COPE" publication ethics committee in FarsiThis journal will only publish articles that contain new and original findings in the journal's topic. The editorial board always welcomes the research results of professors, researchers and experts. Researchers who wish to have their articles published in this journal should pay attention to the following points:

The principles related to the officials of the quarterly:

1. The rules of copyright and adaptation of other literary works are observed by the publication and the rights of individuals are reserved during publication.
2. Decisions about articles will be made at any stage regardless of the authors' race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.
3. The personal information of the authors of the articles is completely confidential for all those who have access to it, such as the editor, members of the editorial board, and the internal manager of the publication, and other active agents (other than the corresponding author), such as referees, consultants, editors, and trusted publishers, and at any time It is protected.
4. If necessary, the author should be asked to present and introduce raw data, interviews or questionnaires and other tools used in the research.
5. If any violation is observed by the researchers, the journal will act according to the international rules (COPE).

Principles related to respected judges:

1- The selected referees should immediately inform the editor of the publication about the result after the initial review, which includes:
A) Non-judgment of the article is due to the lack of time or...
b) Arbitration is accompanied by delays due to busy work, lack of access to sufficient facilities, etc
2- The judging of the articles should be based on scientific documentation and sufficient reasoning, clearly and clearly stated, and these documents should be presented to the publications and authors, and refrain from expressing taste, personal, racial, religious, etc. opinions in the judging of the articles. .
3- Paying attention to the sources used in the article is one of the other duties of the referees. All the researches, subjects and quotations used in the article must be accompanied by full references in the bibliography.
4- The referees should not accept for refereeing the articles in which the interests of certain individuals, institutions and companies are achieved or personal relationships are observed in it.

Principles related to respected authors:

1- The articles should be the result of studies, experiences and researches of the author or authors.
2- The authors should prepare the articles scientifically and coherently, according to the standard of the journal, and mention their method and approach and report the data correctly.
3- Authors should respect the rights of other persons in the article by mentioning the responsible author and colleagues as well as full referencing.
4- Authors should refrain from expressing sensitive and unethical, tasteful and personal, racial and religious issues and giving fake and incorrect information and translating other people's works without mentioning the title in the article.
5- The author is requested to present and introduce raw data, interviews or questionnaires and other tools used in the research if needed.
6- Submitting an article to several publications at the same time or submitting published or accepted articles to other publications is against COPE. If a violation is observed, it will be considered plagiarism and will be reported to the Ministry of Science.
7- The original rejected or withdrawn articles will be removed from the quarterly archive after six months, and the quarterly will not bear any responsibility for it.
8- The magazine is free to reject or accept, edit, summarize or modify the received articles.

Examples of violations of the ethical principles of publishing by authors:

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the deliberate use of someone else's articles or ideas in your own name. Even using another person's sentence or your own previous sentences without mentioning the source is considered theft. All transcripts sent to this publication are reviewed by plagiarism software.
Data fabrication and distortion: Data fabrication is when a researcher does not actually conduct a study but presents data and conclusions. Distortion also occurs when a research is done but the data and results are changed.
Simultaneous submission: when a copy is sent to two publications.
Duplicate Submission: Occurs when two or more articles have the same assumptions, data, and results.
Repeated (additional) submission: It means dividing a study into multiple articles and sending them.
Improper attribution of another author: All authors listed on the article must have contributed to it.
Manipulation of sources: when several sources are mentioned in the final part of a transcript, while they are not mentioned in the content of the text.


Ethical charter of research of "Ministry of Science, Research and Technology"