Typology of local development strategies in rural and local communities

Document Type : Original Article


PH.D In Commercial Policy Making Management, College of Management and Accountancy, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran


At the core of the local development approach, increasing participation means increasing people's empowerment and self-confidence and overseeing all processes. When local people are empowered, collective work is possible. This approach received more attention when, since the 1960s, conventional quantitative and qualitative methods in the study of rural and urban development strategies have been criticized, and questions such as which groups are less involved in the development process, who should be given more attention. What are the reasons for the repeated failure of prescriptive development policies by central and local governments for different communities? The answer to these questions is possible through the participation of people, especially the elites of local communities in the local development process. The purpose of this qualitative study is to develop a framework through which a comprehensive view and perspective on various local development strategies and models can be achieved and each strategy can be interpreted based on this proposed framework. In this way, the main foundation and key approaches of each strategy in the field of basic issues of local community development are identified. The result of this study shows that the existing set of strategies can not be classified into three different and distinct species. Representative, interactive, and participatory strategies each differ in their views on the role of the local community, development goals, and the role of facilitator


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